mrbikerdood – Posted January 22, 2018
On 9/12/2017 at 11:40 PM, Stuart21UK said:
Well the next saga with Silverstone OPC…I have no qualms in naming and shaming when the hit rate with them is so poor…
The quote from RPM is to do the front discs/pads/sensors on the 981 at £720 and an additional £270 to do the rear pads/sensor (no discs needed)…
I thought I’ll call the OPC to see what price they would charge….
A phone call to them and I’m told £675 for the front pads/discs/sensors etc and £270 for the rears pads/sensors…I ask the girl to confirm by email…she does firstly by screen dumping their internal booking system into a word document (totally unprofessional looking) and adds some reference to labour rates and reduction of 10-12% of cost in the body of the email…
I reply asking for a proper estimate and the one I get the following day covers all the detail and its £1240!
Now its a good job I work in the financial world as I was fully able to add up £675 and £279 and could see that it didnt add up to £1240!
Turns out (after several emails back and forth) that ‘there was some miscommunication between us’…too right there feking was…I asked you for a fully inclusive quote for my brakes to be done and you forget ot add in the labour cost!
So its now booked in with RPM to do the fronts and I’ll wait for the rear sensors to come on before taking it back to do them…(they reckon they are 80% worn so I could get another 4-5000 miles out of them on that basis!) – anticipated cost £720 for the fronts for the time being… 🙂
I honestly dont know why I keep trying to give the OPC business…
I paid £365.35 for new front discs,pads and sensors at Dovehouse on my 981 …… ill never go back and Silverstone OPC, i think they are naff from the two times i used them!