NOTE all the plans have the final position of the existing kitchen door wrongly.
This is the one towards the top centre (in the plan above its showing with an 822 width to help identify it)
With the number of doorways and other aspects affecting the positioning of the units (two internal doors, a window, an understairs cupboard come larder and an accessway needed between the new kitchen and new dining room area), we had played with the idea of either:
• blocking it up
• moving it 450mm towards the right-hand wall (the one between lounge and kitchen)
• leaving it as-is
• swinging it outwards on parliament hinges
Sharon favoured blocking the door up to give a freer run of wall to put tall floor to ceiling units (e.g. fridge/freezer/oven/pull out larder units).
I like the fact that you can enter the kitchen via the top and bottom doors…
In the end we went with the last option and simply swung the door from the opposite side of the frame, made it swing outwards on parliament hinges so that it could fold back against the wall by the original back door, as seen below (the unit behind has since been removed).
This picture is taken from the existing rear extension, looking towards the old back door (top centre of the plans).